Daisy Fellowes Tutti Frutti Necklace

Daisy Fellowes Tutti Frutti Necklace

Daisy Fellowes Tutti水果项链

daisy fellowes tutti frutti necklace

Among the most renowned necklaces of all time is the Daisy Fellowes Tutti Frutti Necklace. Its intricate design and colorful components combine the best of ancient and contemporary jewelry into a timeless piece. This necklace is one of the best-selling pieces from the Cartier collection. Its dazzling design has garnered the attention of the world’s top fashion designers.

其中最著名的项链的所有时间是雏菊Fellowes Tutti水果项链。其复杂的设计和丰富多彩的组成部分结合了最好的古代和当代珠宝成为一个永恒的作品。这款项链是卡地亚系列中最畅销的作品之一。其耀眼的设计已经引起了世界顶级时装设计师的关注。



During the 1920s, the popularity of tutti frutti jewels began to rise. These jewels were created with an array of colorful gems. These gemstones were carved and set in platinum. These jewels became popular among discerning collectors.

在20世纪20年代,tutti frutti珠宝开始流行起来。这些珠宝是由一系列彩色宝石制成的。这些宝石是用铂金雕刻和镶嵌而成的。这些珠宝在眼光敏锐的收藏家中很受欢迎。

Daisy Fellowes was a Parisian socialite and heiress. She was also the editor of American Harper’s Bazaar. She commissioned Cartier to make a tutti frutti necklace for her. This necklace, called the “Collier Hindou,” became one of Cartier’s most recognizable pieces. This necklace has been exhibited around the world, and it has been known as the most expensive Tutti Frutti jewel to ever sell at auction.

黛西·费罗斯是巴黎的社会名流和女继承人。她也是《美国哈珀芭莎》的编辑。她委托卡地亚为她制作了一条水果项链,这条项链被称为“Collier Hindou”,成为卡地亚最知名的作品之一。这条项链曾在世界各地展出,它被称为有史以来在拍卖会上出售的最昂贵的Tutti Frutti珠宝。

Cartier tutti frutti designs are often inspired by the Islamic flower cult of Moghul emperors. These designs are characterized by the use of carved colored stones. These stones are set in platinum and often have diamond accents.


Cartier’s Indian style jewelry is also characterized by the use of rare carved Mughal stones. These gems were imported from India at low prices by Cartier buying agents. These gems were then set into geometric platinum mountings. These designs are often exhibited in museums around the world.


Daisy Gardner, whose father was the fourth Duc Decazes et de Glucksbierg, was known for her outrageous lifestyle and extraordinary jewelry collection. She also collected Carter pieces. Her mother, Isabelle Blance Singer, was an heiress to the Singer empire.


Daisy Fellowes’s “collier Hindou” necklace is the most famous of all Tutti Frutti pieces. It was designed by Cartier for Daisy Fellowes in 1936, and it has been on display in museums around the world. The necklace has been reworked many times, but it is still associated with Cartier.

Daisy Fellowes的“collier Hindou”项链是所有Tutti Frutti作品中最著名的。1936年由卡地亚为黛西·费罗斯设计,至今已在世界各地的博物馆展出。这条项链经过多次返工,但仍与卡地亚联系在一起。

Daisy Fellowes’s “collier hindou” necklace set a record for the most expensive Tutti Frutti jewel ever sold at auction. It sold for $2,655,172 in 1991. This piece is still one of Cartier’s most popular pieces. It has been exhibited at various museums, including the Museum of Far Eastern Art in Geneva.


The Tutti Frutti style became a popular jewelry design during the 1920s, and has remained in demand for many years. This style is known for its use of colored gemstones, carved gem leaves, and black enamel.

Tutti Frutti风格在20世纪20年代成为流行的珠宝设计,并保持了多年的需求。这种风格以使用彩色宝石、雕刻的宝石叶和黑色珐琅而闻名。

Gems used


During the early twentieth century, a number of different gemstones were used in the creation of tutti frutti jewelry. Some of these gemstones were rare carved Mughal stones, while other gems were sourced from India. These gemstones were set in diamond mountings to make a colorful piece of jewelry.


One of the most recognizable designs of the mid-1920s was the Cartier Tutti Frutti necklace. The necklace is made of carved gems in the shape of fruit. The necklace’s center is made of sapphires, diamonds and emeralds. The centerpiece has been modified several times. The original design was a clip, but it was later replaced with a linear form.

20世纪20年代中期最著名的设计之一是卡地亚Tutti Frutti项链。用宝石雕刻成水果形状的项链。项链的中心由蓝宝石、钻石和祖母绿制成。中心装饰已被修改了几次。最初的设计是一个夹子,但后来被线性形式所取代。

The first Tutti Frutti piece was commissioned by Queen Alexandra in 1901. She needed jewelry for her Indian gowns. Cartier had a strong relationship with India’s Maharajahs and received many commissions from them. However, he criticized the “barbaric” nature of Indian-style jewelry.

第一个Tutti Frutti作品是由亚历山德拉女王在1901年委托。她的印度长袍需要珠宝。卡地亚与印度王公有着密切的关系,并从他们那里获得了许多委托。不过,他批评印度风格珠宝的“野蛮”本质。

Cartier’s Tutti Frutti jewelry is considered the perfect mix of East and West. The gems are cut in different ways, including cabochons, leaf shapes, and faceted stones. They are set in diamond mountings to make a jewelry piece that is both colorful and versatile.

卡地亚的Tutti Frutti珠宝被认为是东西方的完美结合。宝石的切割方式各不相同,包括凸圆形、叶形和刻面宝石。它们被镶嵌在钻石底座上,使珠宝作品既色彩缤纷又多才多艺。

One of the most spectacular examples of Cartier’s Tutti Frutti style is the Collier Hindou necklace. The necklace is made of carved emeralds, sapphires and rubies. Cartier’s use of carved gemstones is what makes this necklace so eye-catching.

卡地亚的Tutti Frutti风格最引人注目的例子之一是Collier Hindou项链。这条项链是由绿宝石、蓝宝石和红宝石雕刻而成的。卡地亚对雕刻宝石的运用使这条项链如此引人注目。

Daisy Fellowes was a famous singer, heiress and social figure in the early twentieth century. She commissioned Cartier to create a necklace in the tutti frutti style.


The necklace was originally secured with loose silk cords. However, Fellowes’ daughter had the fastening changed.


The necklace is exhibited at the Museum of Far Eastern Art in Geneva. It was sold for $2,655,172 USD in 1991. Other famous tutti frutti pieces include Evelyn Lauder’s bracelet, which sold for $2.1 million at Sotheby’s auction in 2014.

这条项链在日内瓦的远东艺术博物馆展出。1991年以2,655,172美元售出。其他著名的什锦水果还包括伊夫林·兰黛(Evelyn Lauder)的手镯,这款手镯在2014年苏富比拍卖会上以210万美元成交。

Daisy Fellowes was one of the most interesting women of the early twentieth century. Her heiress status made her a great jewellery collector. She was also a very knowledgeable woman about art history. Her collection of fine gems made her a valuable patron of Cartier.


Cartier’s combination of ancient components and contemporary mountings


‘Tutti Frutti’ jewellery is a style of jewelry that blends eastern and western techniques. In this style, gems and stones are carved into beautiful shapes and set in platinum. This style of jewelry is still very popular.

“Tutti Frutti”珠宝是一种融合了东西方技术的珠宝风格。在这种风格中,宝石和石头被雕刻成美丽的形状,并镶嵌在铂金中。这种款式的珠宝至今仍很流行。

The tutti frutti style of jewelry was introduced in 1923, and has remained popular in the modern era. In this style, gems and stones were carved into shapes inspired by the Islamic flower cult of Moghul emperors. This style of jewelry was also influenced by Mughal jewelry.

1923年推出的tutti frutti风格的珠宝,并在现代仍然流行。在这种风格中,宝石和石头被雕刻成各种形状,灵感来自莫卧儿皇帝的伊斯兰花卉崇拜。这种风格的珠宝也受到莫卧儿珠宝的影响。

Cartier’s innovative design philosophy uses shapes and forms to produce optical effects. The tutti frutti necklace created for Daisy Fellowes is a fine example of this. The necklace is comprised of carved rubies and sapphires. The necklace also features diamonds.

卡地亚的创新设计理念利用形状和形式来产生光学效果。为Daisy Fellowes设计的Tutti Frutti项链就是一个很好的例子。项链由红宝石和蓝宝石雕刻而成。项链上还镶有钻石。

The tutti frutti style is one of the most sought-after styles of jewellery. Cartier has always been fascinated with three-dimensionality and shapes.

tutti frutti风格是最受欢迎的珠宝风格之一。卡地亚一直对立体感和造型着迷。

The design principles of Cartier are apparent in their colour palette. The colour palette consists of a signature combination of hues and hue combinations. During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the jeweller’s colour palette was used to highlight the beauty of diamonds.


Cartier’s design principles involve the use of geometric shapes, curves, and irregularities. The jewellery brand’s iconic timepieces are influenced by these principles.


During the early twentieth century, Cartier began to use platinum in their high-end jewellery designs. This durable metal allowed for narrow mountings that helped keep the design clean and uncluttered. This gave birth to the neoclassical Garland style of jewellery.


The exhibition features a collection of Cartier creations and is organised into three chapters. Each chapter explores different aspects of Cartier’s creations. The ‘Crystallization of Time’ chapter relates to the history of Cartier, while the ‘Universal Curiosity’ chapter is dedicated to the company’s innovative designs. The ‘tutti frutti’ necklace is a spectacular example of Cartier’s Tutti Frutti style of jewelry. The necklace is crafted from the stones of Fellowes’s own collection.

展览以卡地亚系列作品为特色,分为三个部分。每一章都探讨卡地亚作品的不同方面。”时间的结晶”一章讲述了卡地亚的历史,而”宇宙好奇心”一章则致力于公司的创新设计。”tutti frutti”项链是卡地亚Tutti Frutti珠宝风格的典范。这条项链是由Fellowes自己收藏的宝石制成的。

The ‘Crystallisation of Time’ chapter is particularly interesting as it relates to Cartier’s pioneering design vision. The evolution of shapes and the associated optical effects are important factors in the creation of Cartier’s iconic timepieces.


Sotheby’s sale of the Great Chrysanthemum Diamond


During Sotheby’s Luxury Division’s upcoming spring exhibition, Magnificent Jewels: Part I, an array of colorful coloured gemstones and diamonds will be on display. Also featured will be a selection of antique signed jewels. These include the Diamond Necklace, 1910.


Magnificent Jewels: Part I will also feature a collection of modern and contemporary jewels from Sotheby’s Diamonds. Sotheby’s Diamonds has a long history of designing and creating extraordinary jewels for collectors. It draws on centuries of expertise to create heirloom masterpieces.


The Sotheby’s Diamonds collection includes top quality diamonds in every color and size. Whether it’s a one-of-a-kind diamond or a classic diamond cut, Sotheby’s Diamonds has heirloom masterpieces for every collector.


The auction house also offers the largest and most extraordinary diamonds available. From a 404 carat (80.8 g) diamond from Angola to a 16.3 carat (32.6 g) flawless D-color emerald-shaped stone, Sotheby’s Diamonds will have something to offer any collector.


The auction house is proud to present American Art and Jewelry from the Collection of Margaret Jonsson Rogers. This extraordinary collection features a wide array of pieces inspired by nature. The exhibition will be available online beginning 20 September 2020.


This collection will also feature a selection of mystery sets created by Van Cleef & Arpels. These pieces will feature a patented technique, which has been used to create beautiful and unique pieces of jewellery. The collection features a selection of detachable earrings. These earrings are inspired by nature and blossoms. They represent love, joy and longevity.

This collection will also feature a selection of mystery sets created by Van Cleef & Arpels.这些作品将采用一种专利技术,这种技术已被用于创造美丽而独特的珠宝作品。本系列推出一系列可拆卸耳环。这款耳环的灵感源自大自然和花朵。它们代表着爱、欢乐和长寿。

Sotheby’s has handled the jewelry of many prestigious women over the years. These pieces provide an intriguing glimpse into the lifestyles of the women who once owned them. The auction house is a trusted global marketplace for art and jewelry. The company promotes the conservation of rare objects and promotes connoisseurship. If you’d like to learn more about Sotheby’s, visit their website. Subscribe to Sotheby’s email newsletters. Sotheby’s subscribers agree to Sotheby’s Privacy Statement. If you aren’t a subscriber, sign up now.


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Daisy Fellowes Tutti Frutti Necklace
