Cartier Cheetah Necklace in 18K White Gold

Cartier Cheetah Necklace in 18K White Gold


cartier cheetah necklace

Whether you are into nature or animal decor, this cartier cheetah necklace will definitely get your attention. It is made of 18K white gold and features a Panther-decor pendant. This piece features a Panther’s eyes and nose made of Onyx, as well as paved diamonds.


18K white gold


Whether you’re a fashionista or a king, the Cartier Cheetah Necklace in 18K White Gold is an eye-catching addition to your jewelry collection. It features a bold design and a distinctive black lacquer coating. This necklace is also very comfortable to wear.


Cartier has a rich history of luxury. This brand has been around for over 150 years and has a worldwide reputation. Cartier offers an extraordinary range of jewelry, watches, and accessories. The brand has a variety of items to choose from for women and men. Cartier is known for its exquisite craftsmanship and elegant designs.


The Panthere de Cartier collection is a line of jewelry with an iconic panther motif. This collection features a range of jewelry including earrings, pendants, bracelets, and watches. The jewelry is crafted to resemble the fur of a panther. It also features a wide variety of gemstones. The signature panther motif was first seen in jewelry in 1941. This collection has been updated since then, incorporating pave diamonds and bright yellow, white, and rose gold finishes.

Panthere de Cartier系列是一个带有标志性豹图案的珠宝系列。该系列包括耳环、吊坠、手镯和手表等一系列珠宝。这件珠宝被制作成类似黑豹的毛皮。它还具有各种各样的宝石。标志性的豹图案于1941年首次出现在珠宝中。自那时以来,该系列不断更新,采用密镶钻石和亮黄色、白色和玫瑰金表面。

The Panthere de Cartier necklace comes with the Cartier signature red travel pouch. It also comes with a certificate of authenticity. The necklace measures 13 inches long and 27.3 mm in diameter. It weighs 98 grams. It’s in great condition. The pendant hangs from a 65-centimetre-long Cartier chain. It’s also detachable.

Panthere de Cartier项链配有卡地亚标志性红色旅行袋。它还附带了一份真品证书。项链长13英寸,直径27.3毫米。它重98克。它保存得很好。吊坠挂在65厘米长的卡地亚链上。它还可以拆卸。

This Cartier necklace features a chunky chain and an eye-catching design. It’s comfortable to wear and looks great alone. The necklace also features diamonds and onyx. It is signed with the Cartier 750 mark.


Paved diamonds


Whether you are looking for a necklace to adorn your collarbone or a piece to add a touch of luxury to your day, Cartier has plenty of options. This French jewelry house has been creating gorgeous pieces since the mid nineteenth century, and they have continued to inspire the world with their glamour. The Panthere de Cartier pendant is an iconic design that will leave a lasting impression on your jewelry collection.

无论您是在寻找一条装饰锁骨的项链,还是一件为您的一天增添一丝奢华的单品,卡地亚都有充足的选择。这家法国珠宝公司自19世纪中期以来一直在创造华丽的作品,他们继续以其魅力激励世界。Panthere de Cartier吊坠是一款标志性设计,将为您的珠宝系列留下持久的印象。

The Panthere de Cartier pendant was designed by Jeanne Toussaint, who later became the creative director of Cartier. The pendant features diamond accents and an emerald-embellished leopard eye. This necklace is available in both yellow and white gold.

Panthere de Cartier吊坠由Jeanne Toussaint设计,她后来成为卡地亚的创意总监。吊坠饰有钻石和祖母绿装饰的豹眼。这款项链有黄金和白色两种款式。

The Panthere de Cartier collection is also available as bracelets. These bracelets feature a gold-bladed spring mechanism that allows them to articulate and fit snugly against the body. They are available in yellow gold with black lacquer spots or white gold with diamond paving.

Panthere de Cartier系列还提供手镯款式。这款手镯采用金刃弹簧机制,使其能够灵活连接并紧贴身体。有带黑漆斑点的黄金款式或镶钻的白色款式可供选择。

The Love bracelet was the first release from this collection. The bracelet is held by screws on both sides and can be enhanced with colored stones and diamonds. It has been designed in such a way that the wearer can enjoy the perfect oval shape. It is also available in rose gold and yellow gold. You can also order a ring, earrings, or necklace from the Love collection.


The trinity collection from Cartier is a tribute to fidelity and friendship. It features interlocking tricolor rings and round brilliant cut diamonds.


Emerald eyes


Whether you’re shopping for a gift or looking to add to your collection, you’ll definitely want to consider purchasing the Panthere de Cartier necklace. This necklace is a good option for formal events or dinner parties. This piece features a unique panther pendant as well as other cheetah elements. It is made of 18k yellow gold and weighs in at 65.7 dwt. It is a well-constructed piece that will look good on your dresser.

无论您是想买礼物还是想增加收藏,您一定会考虑购买Panthere de Cartier项链。这款项链是出席正式活动或晚宴的绝佳选择。这件作品具有独特的豹吊坠以及其他猎豹元素。它由18k黄金制成,重量为65.7载重吨。这是一个构造良好的作品,将看起来很好,在您的梳妆台。

The Panthere de Cartier necklace is not only elegant, but it is also sexy. The panther motif is one of the brand’s most iconic designs, and it can be found in a variety of forms. The pendant is engraved with shining crystals and the panther head has a green gem atop it. This necklace is a sexy homage to the panther’s best qualities.

Panthere de Cartier项链不仅优雅,而且性感。黑豹图案是品牌最具标志性的设计之一,有多种款式可供选择。吊坠上雕刻着闪亮的水晶,豹头上有一颗绿色宝石。这条项链是对豹最优秀品质的性感致敬。

The panther motif has been featured in other Cartier items besides jewelry. For instance, the panther has also inspired an elegant collection of timepieces. The necklace is a stylish way to display your love for the regal creature.


In addition to the cheetah motif, the necklace features a wavy diamond encrusted chain. The chain is plated in rose gold and the panther pendant is engraved with shining crystals. The best part about the necklace is that it is not overpowering. The necklace measures 18 inches long and is fashioned into a sleek, stylish piece of jewelry.


Onyx nose


Luckily for us, we didn’t have to go a whole lot of red meat to the faraway flung reaches of the tarshy tribe. Cartier’s long list of credentials are aplenty, and if the good Lord tarnished yours truly is the last man standing in the company of a pack of ruffians, the chances of you actually being put in the ring are nigh on. Having said that, it is a tad difficult to scout for a sprinkling of cash to snare a shiny bauble. But, if we’re talking about the granddaddy of the gang, I’ll take it from here. So, if you’re looking to nab a mate, the best place to start is your local jeweller. Having said that, if you haven’t had the opportunity to snag a mate in the flesh, you can always browse Cartier’s online inventory. The online medium of communication is a great way to flex your fashion muscles, or to simply recoup your post-holidays shenanigans.


Panther-decor pendant


During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, panthers were highly prized for their fur. Cartier’s panther jewelry has become a staple of luxury. Since its first appearance in 1914, the panther motif has become a favorite among celebrities. The sleek black panther is a symbol of strength, courage, and allure. The Panthere de Cartier necklace features 36 brilliant-cut diamonds totaling 0.24 carats. It’s made of yellow gold 750/1000 and is set with two tsvorite garnets. It can be worn as an opera-length necklace or a choker.

在19世纪末和20世纪初,黑豹因其皮毛而受到高度重视。卡地亚的黑豹珠宝已成为奢侈品的主要产品。自1914年首次亮相以来,黑豹图案已成为名人的最爱。光滑的黑豹是力量、勇气和诱惑的象征。Panthere de Cartier项链镶嵌36颗明亮式切割钻石,总重0.24克拉。它由750/1000黄金制成,镶嵌两颗石榴石。它可以作为歌剧长度的项链或项链佩戴。

The panther motif was first used by Cartier in 1914 in a wristwatch. The wristwatch drew on Toussaint’s nickname, “La Panthere”. Her panther was sculpted in yellow gold. It featured a black enamel coat, which added dimension to the piece.

1914年,卡地亚首次将豹图案用于腕表。这款腕表借鉴了杜桑的绰号“La Panthere”。她的豹是用黄金雕刻的。它的特色是黑色珐琅涂层,增加了作品的空间。

The panther motif was also used on brooches. During the early 1930s, Cartier began creating panther brooches. Its first full-bodied panther appeared on a diamond, onyx, and platinum cigarette case. It also appeared on a diamond and sapphire brooch that symbolized the panther in the story of the Golden Fleece.


The panther motif was reimagined by Cartier with the help of artist Peter Lemarchand. Lemarchand observed panthers in a zoo. He helped to make the panther a legendary animal for Cartier.

黑豹图案由卡地亚在艺术家Peter Lemarchand的帮助下重新构思。Lemarchand在动物园里观察黑豹。他帮助使豹成为卡地亚的传奇动物。

The panther has also evolved over time. In the 1990s, Cartier promoted its signature collections and introduced diamonds to its panther collection. This panther motif is now known as ‘Big Cats’.


Tank watch


Designed by Louis Cartier, the Cartier Tank watch has been in circulation for over 100 years. Its a simple design with a square case and a gold-link bracelet. It is available in a variety of sizes and case materials, including 18k gold and stainless steel.

由Louis Cartier设计的Cartier Tank腕表已经流通了100多年。这是一个简单的设计与一个方形案件和一个黄金链接手镯。提供多种尺寸和表壳材质,包括18k金和不锈钢。

It may be too old to be considered a new design, but the company has given it a refresh. The new model boasts a new case with improved waterproofing and strengthened bracelet. The new design is almost a carbon copy of its predecessor.


The Cartier tank watch is not just for military men. It has been worn by some of the most recognizable Hollywood actors. The watch is available in two-tone gold and stainless steel, as well as 18k gold and stainless steel. The watch is also available in a variety of dial colors.


The company has also launched a slick new commercial to be shown in theaters and on social media. The commercial will feature Courtney Eaton and Brooklyn Sudano. It is a short film that showcases the Cartier Tank watch’s most notable features.


The Cartier Tank watch’s newest iteration is a streamlined version of its predecessor. The company has also made the tank watch a little more waterproof. The new model is also available in a two-tone gold and stainless steel. This makes it one of the company’s most versatile timepieces. The new model’s main benefit is its clean and simple design.

Cartier Cheetah Necklace in 18K White Gold
