Choosing Vintage Cartier Necklace Jewelry

Choosing Vintage Cartier Necklace Jewelry


vintage cartier necklace jewelry

Whether you are a collector or just starting out, there are many ways to choose a vintage cartier necklace jewelry that will complement your personal style. If you want to be sure that you get the look that you’re going for, then it’s important to have a little knowledge about the different types of jewelry out there.


Amulette de Cartier


During the twentieth century, Cartier jewellery was known for its elaborate designs. It was also known for its use of gold. The company’s jewellery has been worn by royalty and celebrities throughout the years. The jewellery has also become famous through Hollywood movies.


In 2014, Cartier introduced a new collection of lucky charms known as Amulette de Cartier. The collection is made of diamonds and other precious materials. The necklace is designed to ward off bad luck and bring good fortune. It also comes with a certificate of authenticity.

2014年,卡地亚推出了一个新的幸运符系列,称为Amulette de Cartier。该系列由钻石和其他珍贵材料制成。项链设计用于辟邪,带来好运。它还附带了一份真品证书。

The necklace measures 31.5 inches in length. It is made of 18K yellow gold and features a diamond at the center. It also has a disc charm inlaid with lapis lazuli. It is also set with 178 round brilliant-cut diamonds. The necklace also features a magnetic circle of gold. It is a subtly elegant piece.


The Amulette de Cartier collection is now widely collected and admired by fans. This collection was originally designed as an entry into the world of lucky luxury. The necklace features a solid gold arc with a diamond or onyx cabochon at the center. The arc is left open as “room for a wish.”

如今,Amulette de Cartier系列被广泛收藏,深受车迷的喜爱。本系列最初的设计目的是为了进入幸运奢侈品的世界。项链以纯金圆弧为特色,中心镶嵌一颗钻石或凸圆形缟玛瑙。弧被留为”愿望的空间”。“

The jewelry is made from natural, sophisticated precious materials. The materials add to the resale value of the necklace. Depending on the materials used, the necklace can be valued at either a low or high price. The necklace is typically priced at about $1,400 for a low-end necklace, and $42,300 for a high-end necklace.


The Amulette de Cartier necklace is a popular piece of jewelry. This necklace is made of 18K yellow gold and has a diamond micro-setting at the center. The necklace is also set with 178 round brilliant-cut Diamonds and black onyx. The necklace measures 35 mm in diameter. The necklace comes in a red Cartier “guirlande” box.

Amulette de Cartier项链是一款受欢迎的珠宝。这款项链由18K黄金制成,中央镶嵌一颗微型钻石。项链还镶嵌了178颗圆形明亮式切割钻石和黑色缟玛瑙。项链直径为35毫米。这款项链采用红色卡地亚“guirlande”包装盒。

Cartier jewelry has been designed with exceptional care. The company has over 200 retail stores in more than 100 countries. The company’s products include fashion accessories, leather goods, fashion jewelry, and exclusive perfumes. Its products have been worn by celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan and Pippa Middleton.


Juste un Clou


Originally designed by Aldo Cipullo in 1971, the Juste un Clou bracelet is a design that’s still in vogue today. Cipullo drew inspiration from a humble nail to create this jewelry piece. Designed to be more affordable, the new variation is a thinner version of the original. It features 57 brilliant-cut diamonds totaling 0.20 carats.

Juste un Clou手链最初由Aldo Cipullo于1971年设计,至今仍是一款时尚设计。Cipullo从一颗不起眼的钉子中汲取灵感,创作了这款珠宝。设计更实惠,新的变化是一个更薄的版本,原来的。镶嵌57颗明亮式切割钻石,总重0.20克拉。

Although this is the first time Cartier has released a necklace version of the Juste un Clou bracelet, the concept isn’t new. The company first showed the “original” Juste un Clou necklace at the 2012 New York City Jewelry Show.

虽然这是卡地亚第一次发布Juste un Clou手镯的项链版本,但这个概念并不新鲜。该公司在2012年纽约市珠宝展上首次展示了“原创”Juste un Clou项链。

When Juste un Clou first appeared, the bracelet was available for a range of $250 to $750. The new variation is a bit more affordable and was designed to be more wearable during the day.

当Juste un Clou第一次出现时,手镯的价格在250美元到750美元之间。新的变化是一个更负担得起的一点,并旨在更可穿戴在白天。

Juste un Clou is a cult favorite among jewelry enthusiasts. It was designed to represent the bold and free-spirited spirit of the 1970s. The design features five ridges on the bracelet. In addition to the bracelet, Cartier has designed a number of necklaces and rings.

Juste un Clou是珠宝爱好者的最爱。它的设计是为了代表20世纪70年代的大胆和自由精神。手镯上有五条棱纹。除了手镯,卡地亚还设计了多款项链和戒指。

Although the original Juste un Clou bracelet was made of gold, Cartier has also designed Juste un Clou jewelry pieces in other precious metals. The bracelet can be found in white gold, yellow gold, and rose gold. The bracelet is available in both paved and non-paved designs. It can be purchased on its own or as part of a necklace, ring, and bracelet set.

虽然最初的Juste un Clou手镯是由黄金制成的,但卡地亚也设计了其他贵金属的Juste un Clou珠宝作品。手镯有白金、黄金和玫瑰金款式。表链有密铺和非密铺两种设计。它可以单独购买,也可以作为项链、戒指和手镯套装的一部分购买。

In addition to the bracelet, Juste un Clou was also a design that was used to create rings, necklaces, earrings, cufflinks, and brooches. The Juste un Clou necklace, in particular, is one of the cult favorite items in Cartier’s collection. It features a collar style and a nail pendant that can be paired with a 18K rose gold chain.

除了手镯,Juste un Clou也是一种用于制作戒指、项链、耳环、袖扣和胸针的设计。Juste un Clou项链尤其是卡地亚收藏中备受追捧的单品之一。它采用领式设计,并配有指甲吊坠,可搭配18K玫瑰金项链。

In addition to the Juste un Clou necklace, Cartier also introduced a new bracelet, rings, and bangles to their Juste un Clou collection in 2012. The bracelet is made from gold and features five ridges on the bracelet. The new version is a bit more affordable and is crafted to be thinner and easier to wear during the day.

除了Juste un Clou项链,卡地亚还在2012年推出了一款新的手镯、戒指和手镯。黄金制成的手镯,手镯上有五条棱纹。新版本更实惠一点,制作更薄,更容易在白天佩戴。

Art Nouveau


During the Art Deco period, Cartier became a well-known jewelry designer. Their designs feature carved gemstones and incorporate a variety of art forms from around the world. One of the most iconic pieces is the Art Deco Emerald and Diamond Sautoir. It is a perfect example of the quality of the designers of the time.


Cartier’s designs include subtle references to the headdress of King Tutankhamen. Their designs also feature motifs from faraway lands like dragons and scarabs. The most popular Cartier necklace is a diamond sautoir.


The necklace’s design includes six hexagonal motifs on the lower part, separated by octagonal-shaped spacers. The upper part is divided into two equal halves by a median line. The necklace has a perfect symmetry.


The necklace was designed with white platinum settings and diamonds. It is a 71.5 cm long sautoir. The necklace features six hexagonal motifs, two of which are elongated. The necklace is paired with a black silk cord.


Art Deco jewelry was popular in France and other European countries. Several great jewelers were proponents of Art Nouveau. These artists rebelled against the Victorian era industrial revolution and brought their imagination back into their designs.


The Art Nouveau era ended with the onset of World War I. The designers of the day wanted to create designs that would stand out from the Edwardian designs. This led to a new trend toward geometric designs. They also wanted to create jewelry that was over the top.


Louis-Francois Cartier founded Cartier in Paris in 1847. He hired the best jewelers and architects. His son Alfred and grandson Jacques joined him. Louis Cartier’s designs included coloured stones in calibre-cut forms. He encouraged his best designers to explore more abstract shapes and designs.


The 1920s-30s were a time when Cartier’s jewels could combine lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, Nepalese coral dragons, melon-ribbed emeralds from India, and Egyptian faience. Their designs feature subtle references to King Tut’s headdress, and they incorporate colour palettes from around the world. They also feature the laque burgute, a lacquer decoration that incorporates iridescent shell inlay.

20世纪20 – 30年代是卡地亚珠宝联合收割机阿富汗青金石、尼泊尔珊瑚龙、印度瓜棱绿宝石和埃及彩陶的时期。他们的设计巧妙地借鉴了图坦卡蒙国王的头饰,并融合了来自世界各地的调色板。他们还具有laque burgute,一种漆装饰,结合了彩虹色贝壳镶嵌。



Founded by Louis-Francois Cartier in 1847, Cartier has established itself as an iconic brand for luxury jewelry. Known for its fine craftsmanship, Cartier offers a variety of jewelry pieces, including rings, earrings, and necklaces. In addition to its classic designs, Cartier also has a selection of modern jewelry pieces.


Throughout the 20th century, Cartier jewelry was known for its outstanding craftsmanship. Its designs range from the exoticism of the Art Deco movement to the opulence of La Belle Epoque. The company’s jewelry is renowned for its diamond work. Many of the designs were inspired by animals, which can be found throughout the company’s collections.

在整个20世纪,卡地亚珠宝以其杰出的工艺而闻名。它的设计从装饰艺术运动的异国情调到La Belle Epoque的奢华。该公司的珠宝以其钻石作品而闻名。许多设计的灵感来自动物,这可以在整个公司的系列。

The Tutti Frutti collection is one of the most sought after pieces in Cartier’s collection. This collection is a marriage between Western and Eastern influences. Originally created during the Art Deco period, this jewelry is admired for its colorful carved gemstones.

Tutti Frutti系列是卡地亚系列中最受欢迎的作品之一。这一系列是西方和东方影响的结合。这款珠宝最初创作于装饰艺术时期,因其色彩斑斓的雕刻宝石而备受推崇。

One of the most famous pieces in Cartier’s collection is the Love bracelet. This modernist locking bangle is created by Aldo Cipullo and features a screw-like embellishment on the clasp. The bracelet is made out of 18k gold and features a diamond in the center. This piece is available in both pink and white gold.

卡地亚系列中最著名的作品之一是Love手镯。这款现代主义锁定式手镯由Aldo Cipullo设计,搭扣上饰有螺丝状装饰。手镯由18k金制成,中央镶有一颗钻石。这款腕表有玫瑰金和白金两种款式。

Another iconic piece in the Cartier jewelry collection is the Trinity ring. This ring was created in 1924. Its evocative design has since become a symbol of love and devotion. It is worn by a number of celebrities, including Nicole Kidman and Princess Diana.


Cartier’s jewelry has been an integral part of Parisian culture for many years. Initially, Cartier jewelry didn’t receive a lot of attention outside of France. However, in the years that followed, the company’s designs began to be seen around the world.


The collection is still vibrant today. Cartier’s jewelry is a must-have accessory for any fashionista. It’s available in a number of different styles, from the classic Panthere collection to the more contemporary Love collection. You can purchase Cartier jewelry in both stores and online. Make sure that you check out the shipping and return policy.


If you’re looking for a vintage piece, make sure you check out Pragnell’s collection of pre-owned Cartier jewelry. You’ll find an array of vintage pieces, including rings, bracelets, and earrings.

Choosing Vintage Cartier Necklace Jewelry
