Best Tiffany Engagement Rings Under $2000
If you’re in the market for a beautiful, but affordable, engagement ring, look no further than Tiffany. Their prices are unbeatable, and free shipping opportunities make this jewelry even more appealing. In addition, you can earn bonus points per dollar spent by becoming a Star Rewards member. So what are you waiting for? Take a look at the list below and find the perfect ring for your significant other.
Choosing a diamond
Whether you’re on a budget or looking for something a little less expensive, a diamond engagement ring can be the perfect choice. If you’re shopping for an engagement ring for a new bride, you don’t have to break the bank to buy a beautiful Tiffany engagement ring. There are many great options for engagement rings under $2000. The following tips can help you make the right decision.
A two thousand dollar diamond engagement ring will be a gorgeous, elegant choice. However, don’t be tempted to choose the largest diamond available. Although you don’t want to pay more than two thousand dollars for a diamond engagement ring, a two-carat stone is still a beautiful choice. If your budget is limited to just two thousand dollars, Tiffany engagement rings are a great option. Moreover, they are compatible with most styles of wedding bands.
The cut of the diamond is crucial. A poor cut diamond will be less sparkly and have less brilliance. However, a diamond cut to perfection will be more expensive. A diamond with a perfect cut quality is more expensive, but it is a beautiful option for your engagement ring. A diamond with perfect clarity and color is worth the extra money. Moreover, the cut quality of the diamond is the key to a gorgeous engagement ring, so choosing a perfect diamond for your Tiffany engagement ring under $2000 is possible.
Choosing a setting
The first step in selecting a Tiffany engagement ring under $2000 is to determine which setting is most suitable for the chosen gem. There are two basic settings: a full bezel and a partial bezel. Full bezel settings cover the entire jewel, while partial bezels cover just a part of the gem. While full bezels are more traditional, partial bezels may be more practical if you’re planning to clean the stone. A partial bezel is a good choice for those with active lifestyles, since it can’t catch on clothing or other equipment.
Besides the settings, another consideration in selecting a Tiffany engagement ring is the price. For under $2000, the Brilliant Earth 6-prong solitaire setting is a great option. The diamond quality is the same as a Tiffany diamond, but it doesn’t come with the blue box. However, it’s important to know that high-set settings are more vulnerable to scratches and snagging. High-profile settings are also more expensive than low-profile settings, so consider this option if you can afford it.
The next consideration is the type of diamond. A simple solitaire setting is an excellent option, but a halo or multi-stone setting costs almost as much. However, a knife-edge pave setting can cost as much as $850, leaving $150 for the diamond. A diamond set in a ring that has a halo will cost around $2000, while a solitaire setting will cost around $1500.
Choosing a gemstone
When you’re shopping for an engagement ring for your fiancée, you might be wondering which type of gemstone to go with. While diamonds have long been the traditional choice for engagement rings, black and grey diamonds are now popular among modern brides. While diamonds are a classic choice, you might be surprised to learn that you can purchase a full carat diamond for less than $2000. Here are a few ideas to help you make a good choice.
Emeralds are a form of beryl, and the best quality emeralds are rated at eight on the Mohs scale. Emeralds have a distinctive cut, the emerald cut, which is the traditional choice for a name-brand stone. A brilliant-cut emerald is equally stunning. The most expensive Tiffany engagement rings can cost more than $2000, so it’s worth researching different cuts to find the perfect one for your partner.
Choosing a gemstone in Tiffany engagement rings below $2000 has its pros and cons. For starters, you can choose an olive-green peridot if you want to go for a more affordable option. This stone has long been a symbol of admiration and can tie in well with the romantic sentiment of an engagement ring. Perdots are a gem-quality variety of olivine that can be found in the US, Africa, and Asia. While they’re not as hard as diamonds or rubies, they’re still relatively affordable.
Choosing a diamond cut
When it comes to choosing a diamond for your wedding ring, a well-cut stone will make your ring sparkle. A well-cut diamond will appear larger and more brilliant than a poorly-cut one. You’ll find plenty of diamonds in a variety of settings at affordable prices at James Allen. There are also plenty of options for settings at this retailer, and you can even customize the design of your ring to fit your budget and personality.
When choosing a diamond, consider the total carat weight (CTW) of the stone. If the ring is under $1000, you will most likely be limited to diamonds under 0.50 carats. These are usually smaller stones that are not much more than 5 mm in diameter. This means you may have to compromise on color or select a less-expensive setting.
The most common diamond cut in Tiffany engagement rings is the round, as this stone looks beautiful against a white background. A round diamond with a princess cut will look stunning on a finger, while a pear-shaped stone with a pave eternity band will be less expensive. While it’s possible to find a stunning Tiffany engagement ring under $2000, a simple round cut will not be as beautiful as an oval.
Choosing a diamond clarity
When shopping for a Tiffany engagement ring, clarity is one of the most important factors to consider. The clarity grade of a diamond is important because it can either make a diamond look dirty or blemish-free. A diamond’s clarity is measured from flawless to three. The higher the clarity grade, the fewer inclusions are visible. For example, a G color and VS2 clarity diamond is equal in appearance. Though this diamond quality grade may cost a few thousand dollars more, it is still a perfect balance between value and beauty.
Before choosing a diamond for your engagement ring, you should know what you want. If you’re looking for a sparkle, a well-cut diamond will make it look bigger than one with an imperfect cut. James Allen is a high-end jewelry store with a variety of settings. Their diamond selection is large and the prices are competitive. If you’re on a budget, James Allen offers many affordable choices for diamond engagement rings under $2000. You can even design your own ring!
The price of a Tiffany engagement ring should be within your budget. If you don’t have much money to spend, you can still find a high-quality engagement ring that will last forever. Tiffany is known for its secondary glow, and diamonds from Tiffany are nearly twice as expensive as those from lesser-quality retailers. For example, a 0.7-carat Tiffany ring costs $8250, including the diamond, setting, and blue box.
Choosing a center stone
If you are on a tight budget, a colored gemstone is a great choice for a center stone in a Tiffany engagement ring. This stone will stand out among a sea of white engagement rings. You can get a good quality stone for less by buying a lab-created one from a company such as Brilliant Earth. For less money, you can also choose a gemstone from other manufacturers, such as moissanite, which looks just like a diamond.
The most popular Tiffany engagement ring setting for under $2000 is the six-prong solitaire from Diamond Manufacturers USA. It comes in rose gold, yellow gold, and white gold. The ring’s product page also has answers to 27 frequently asked questions, so it’s worth reading through the reviews. The reviews on Amazon are another great resource for finding a ring that meets your budget.
The price of a diamond in a simple solitaire setting is the first consideration. Silver is the least expensive of all the materials, but is softer and more likely to scratch. A diamond in a solitaire setting will cost less than a two-carat diamond, but silver is prone to stains and scratches, while titanium is very light and scratch-resistant. Tungsten is an even better choice for those on a budget, as it is four times harder than titanium. It’s also lightweight and resizing is not possible.