Cartier Men’s Gold Chain Only Necklaces

Cartier Men’s Gold Chain Only Necklaces


cartier mens gold chain only necklaces

Whether you are a man looking for a new necklace for yourself or for someone special, there are a number of different options available. From gold to silver, you’re sure to find something you like. Whether you want a chain necklace or an engraved necklace, you’re sure to find something that fits your style.


Cartier’s history


During the twentieth century, Cartier became one of the world’s most successful jewelry brands. The company’s products are sold in over 125 countries, and it operates 200 stores.


Cartier began as a family owned business in Paris in the early nineteenth century. Its founding was based on a watchmaking business. Louis-Francois Cartier, the family’s second generation, took over the business in 1847. He renamed the company Cartier, and he brought in his own sons to help him with the family business.

19世纪初,卡地亚在巴黎以家族企业起家。它的成立是基于一个制表业务。1847年,家族的第二代路易-弗朗索瓦·卡地亚(Louis-Francois Cartier)接管了公司。他把公司改名为卡地亚,并让自己的儿子们来帮助他打理家族生意。

The company was famous for producing a dazzling selection of jewelry, including the iconic Love bracelet. This bracelet was originally made of silver-plated gold, but later switched to solid gold. The bracelet was adorned with screw-like embellishments, inspired by a visit to a hardware store.


In the 1920s, Cartier started making its own creations, and its designs became more sophisticated. Many of the pieces were embellished with gemstones, and some were even inspired by animals.


The company was also renowned for its flawless craftsmanship. It began to sell to royal houses throughout Europe. In 1902, King Edward VII ordered 27 tiaras for his coronation. In 1904, the company also acquired a royal warrant, and it was not long before Cartier became a go-to brand for anyone.


By the early twentieth century, Cartier had moved around a few times, but it was still known as a family-owned business. It was a firm believer in balancing visionary ideas with societal trends.


As the company grew, Cartier moved into larger premises. It eventually settled into the Rue de La Paix in 1899. The company also had an office in London. In the 1970s, a consortium led by Robert Hocq, a WW2 French Resistance hero, purchased the company.


Le Gramme


Founded in 2013, French jewelry brand Le Gramme is a purveyor of minimalist design and artisanship. Its pieces are designed to be wearable and functional, incorporating simple and geometric shapes. Founded by industrial designer Erwan Le Louer and his partner Adrien Messie, the company takes inspiration from a tangle of thin strands spun in a loop to create a simple yet elegant design.

成立于2013年的法国珠宝品牌Le Gramme是一家极简主义设计和工艺的供应商。它的作品设计为可穿戴和功能性,结合简单和几何形状。该公司由工业设计师Erwan Le Louer和他的合作伙伴Adrien Messie创立,灵感来自于一团缠绕在一起的细线,创造出一个简单而优雅的设计。

Le Gramme’s signature interlaced pendant is made of 18-karat gold and sterling silver, and is engraved with a brand name and hallmarks. The pendant’s most dazzling feature is its “Slick” finish, which reflects light in a way that makes the piece seem to glow.

Le Gramme的标志性交错吊坠由18K金和银制成,并刻有品牌名称和标志。吊坠最耀眼的特点是它的“光滑”完成,反射光线的方式,使作品似乎发光。

Le Gramme’s bracelet is crafted of recycled 925 silver and ruthenium. It is engraved with the brand name on the lower right corner, and features an adjustable side closure. It also features a 1.7G sterling silver station. The design is perfect for the newcomer to the jewelry world, as it is lightweight, durable, and elegant.

Le Gramme的手镯采用925银和钌的再生材料制成。它的右下角刻有品牌名称,并具有可调节的侧边闭合。它还配备了1.7G纯银充电站。该设计是完美的新手到珠宝世界,因为它是轻量级的,耐用,优雅。

The company also produces a cuff that promises to make any woman swoon. The cuff features a thin, woven strand of black silver, and is engraved with the brand’s name in the lower right corner.


The company also produces a number of other pieces, including necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets. They are known for their high quality and enduring style, and you’ll feel like a queen wearing any of them.


Le Gramme is a French jewelry company that uses recycled silver to create its sleek and minimal designs. The brand’s signature interlaced pendant is made from 18-karat gold and sterling silver, but its most impressive feature is its “Slick” finish, a feat that reflects light in a way that makes this piece seem to glow.

Le Gramme是一家法国珠宝公司,使用回收银来创造其圆滑和简约的设计。该品牌的标志性交错吊坠是由18K金和银制成,但其最令人印象深刻的特点是其“光滑”完成,一个壮举,反射光线的方式,使这件作品似乎发光。

Comme des Garcons


During the fall/winter 2019 shows, Parisian jewelry designer Mikimoto and New York-based fashion brand Comme des Garcons announced their two-year collaboration. The collection, which will debut during Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week, features seven necklaces.

在2019秋冬时装秀期间,巴黎珠宝设计师Mikimoto与总部位于纽约的时尚品牌Comme des Garcons宣布了为期两年的合作。该系列将在巴黎高级定制时装周期间首次亮相,共有七条项链。

Mikimoto, known for its pearl jewelry, created a new option for men. Yasuhiko Hashimoto, the designer, said that younger clients are now discovering pearls.

以珍珠首饰闻名的Mikimoto为男性创造了一种新的选择。设计师桥本康彦(Yasuhiko Hashimoto)说,年轻客户现在开始发现珍珠。

Mikimoto has created pearl necklaces in sterling silver and akoya pearls. The pearl necklaces feature a 50cm length.


The new collection also features pearl and silver spike necklaces, which measure 27cm. The silver spike necklace is made of sterling silver and akoya pearls.


The collection includes seven necklaces and silver chains. Mikimoto is also offering a pair of pearl and silver earrings. The Mikimoto and Comme des Garcons collaboration includes a mix of necklaces and earrings.

该系列包括七条项链和银链。Mikimoto还提供了一对珍珠和银耳环。Mikimoto和Comme des Garcons的合作包括项链和耳环的组合。

Besides the COMME des GARCONS Mikimoto necklaces, Commes des Garcons also has a variety of cuffs and bracelets for men. Some of them include an adjustable mouthpiece, which is designed to keep the necklace together.

除了COMME des GARCONS Mikimoto项链外,Commes des GARcons还有各种男士袖口和手镯。其中一些包括一个可调节的喉舌,旨在保持项链在一起。

The COMME des GARCONS Girl Gold Logo Necklace is available for $115. It features a polished gold-coated brass curb chain. It can be worn with a neon graphic-print T-shirt or a monochrome outfit.

COMME des GARCONS女孩黄金标志项链售价115美元。它具有抛光镀金黄铜遏制链。可搭配氖图案印花T恤或单色套装。

The COMME des GARCONS HOMME Plus neckpieces are also available. These neckpieces feature layered chain-link necklaces. They also have a bohemian-inspired look. They are available in gold-tone metal and come with whale and eyeball designs.

COMME des GARCONS HOMME Plus项链也有售。这些项链采用层叠式链节项链。他们也有波西米亚风格的外观。他们可在金色调金属和鲸鱼和眼球设计来。

The COMME des GARCONS Homme Plus chains are also making a splash. They’ve appeared on the SSENSE online storefront. They’ve garnered some “WTF” reactions. The cheapest chain costs $1,435, while the most expensive one features multicolored plastic eyeballs. The cheapest chain has a 13-inch drop and an adjustable mouthpiece.

COMME des GARCONS Homme Plus连锁店也引起了轰动。他们已经出现在SSENSE网上商店。他们已经获得了一些“WTF”的反应。最便宜的连锁店售价1,435美元,而最贵的连锁店则以彩色塑料眼球为特色。最便宜的链条有一个13英寸的落差和一个可调节的喉舌。

Bleue Burnham


Whether you’re looking to buy a gift or looking for a new piece of jewelry for yourself, there are many luxury jewelry brands out there to choose from. You’ll want to choose one that’s well-made, eco-friendly, and affordable.


Bleue Burnham is a new jewelry brand that launched in 2018. The brand was founded by jewelry designer Bleue Burnham. The brand designs jewelry that incorporates colored and baguette-cut sapphires, pearls, and diamonds. They also use recycled precious metals.

Bleue Burnham是2018年推出的新珠宝品牌。该品牌由珠宝设计师Bleue Burnham创立。该品牌设计的珠宝融合了彩色和矩形切割蓝宝石、珍珠和钻石。他们还使用回收的贵金属。

Bleue Burnham donates a percentage of their sales to environmental initiatives. They also use recycled foam to package their jewelry. In addition, their designs incorporate historical references, overt hallmarking, and hand-distressed detailing.

Bleue Burnham将其销售额的一定比例捐赠给环境倡议。他们还使用回收泡沫来包装他们的珠宝。此外,他们的设计融入了历史参考,明显的印记,和手工做旧的细节。

In addition to Bleue Burnham, there are many other jewelry brands that are great for men. Some of the more popular options include Chrome Hearts, David Yurman, Evan Yurman, and Beth Bugdaycay. Each of these brands has its own unique approach to men’s jewelry.

除了Bleue Burnham,还有很多其他珠宝品牌非常适合男性。一些更受欢迎的选择包括铬心,大卫尤尔曼,埃文尤尔曼,和贝丝布格代凯。这些品牌中的每一个都有自己独特的男士珠宝方法。

Chrome Hearts is a contemporary jewelry brand from Canada. The brand features a fleur de lis in heavy metals as its logo. The brand also has many colorful gemstones and classic chains to choose from. The company has also expanded its collection into men’s jewelry.

Chrome Hearts是一个来自加拿大的当代珠宝品牌。该品牌以重金属制成的鸢尾花为标志。该品牌也有许多丰富多彩的宝石和经典链可供选择。该公司还扩大了其收集到男子珠宝。

David Yurman is a well-known jewelry brand that focuses on avant-garde designs. The company uses unusual materials, such as black diamonds, to create bold pieces. They also produce a premium line in 18-karat gold.


Evan Yurman has been making waves in the men’s jewelry market for years. His designs incorporate modern details with classic pieces. His advertising campaigns have featured Kate Moss, Gisele Bundchen, and Naomi Campbell.

Evan Yurman多年来一直在男士珠宝市场兴风作浪。他的设计将现代细节与经典单品融为一体。他的广告活动中有凯特·莫斯、吉赛尔·邦辰和娜奥米·坎贝尔。

Beth Bugdaycay is a popular women’s jewelry designer. She has a diverse collection of jewelry, including earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and cufflinks. Each piece is hand-made in her studio in Brooklyn.

Beth Bugdaycay是一位颇受欢迎的女性珠宝设计师。她收藏了各种各样的珠宝,包括耳环、项链、手镯和袖扣。每件作品都是在她位于布鲁克林的工作室手工制作的。

Scosha Woolridge


Located in the heart of Brooklyn’s genteel borough is Scosha Woolridge, a name synonymous with chic jewelry designs and chic service staff. The label was launched in 2007 and has since grown into a multi-million dollar brand that boasts an impressive roster of celebrity clients. The company is also known for its green ethos and commitment to the craft. The company’s newest addition is a bespoke jewelry line called the Manaseum, a homage to the history of the New York City subway.

Scosha Woolridge位于布鲁克林上流社会区的中心地带,这个名字是时尚珠宝设计和时尚服务人员的代名词。该品牌于2007年推出,自那时以来已成长为一个价值数百万美元的品牌,拥有一个令人印象深刻的名人客户名册。该公司还以其绿色精神和对工艺的承诺而闻名。该公司的最新产品是一个名为Manaseum的定制珠宝系列,这是对纽约地铁历史的致敬。

While the company’s men’s line boasts a more than impressive cuff collection, the company’s female line is a bit more modest. The most expensive piece in the collection is a custom necklace and matching earrings that are both impressive and pricey. This may be because the company was founded by a woman who is a true fashionista. The woman in question is Scosha Woolridge, a woman who has been designing jewelry for over a decade and has amassed a cult following. She is also the proud mother of two biracial children.


The company’s website is a smorgasbord of a collection of luxury jewelry, fine watches, and accessories. The company’s flagship location is Brooklyn’s Meatpacking District, but the designer has a presence in Miami, Los Angeles, and New York City as well. Some of the company’s most sought after pieces are limited edition collectibles. Among its men’s line, the company’s most impressive piece is a bespoke necklace that features a custom beaded chain and matching earrings. The necklace is the ota name of the collection and it is a piece that is sure to become an instant collector’s item. The collection also features several cuffs in the most sought after colors.

Cartier Men’s Gold Chain Only Necklaces
