The Newest Jewelry From the House of Chanel – The Star Necklace

The Newest Jewelry From the House of Chanel – The Star Necklace


Whether you are a fashionista or just like jewelry, you probably know that Chanel has a line of beautiful and stylish jewelry. The latest necklace that the brand has released is called the Star Necklace. This piece of jewelry is made from platinum and silver and has a pretty star design that adds to its beauty. You can buy this piece of jewelry at any department store or online.


Tutti Frutti


Throughout the twentieth century, Cartier’s signature Tutti Frutti designs were some of the most well-known jewellery designs in the world. This style, which was a fusion of Eastern and Western influences, was an icon of the Art Deco period. The design is still coveted today. Its carved gemstones and diamonds create a joyful celebration of form.

在整个二十世纪,卡地亚的标志性Tutti Frutti设计是世界上最著名的珠宝设计之一。这种风格融合了东西方的影响,是装饰艺术时期的标志。这种设计至今仍令人垂涎。雕刻的宝石和钻石营造出一种欢乐的形式庆典。

Tutti Frutti jewellery is known for its uniqueness, and is considered a symbol of societal mobility during the Art Deco era. Several high-profile jewelers – including Paul Flato and Raymond Yard – were inspired by this style.

Tutti Frutti珠宝以其独特性而闻名,被认为是装饰艺术时代社会流动性的象征。包括保罗·弗拉托(Paul Flato)和雷蒙德·亚德(Raymond Yard)在内的一些知名珠宝商都受到了这种风格的启发。

Tutti Frutti jewels are carved gemstones mounted in diamond and platinum settings. Each piece is unique and is a representation of the combination of Eastern and Western influences. Known as the “holy grail” of jewellery, Tutti Frutti designs are still sought after today.

Tutti Frutti珠宝是镶嵌在钻石和铂金底座上的雕刻宝石。每一件作品都是独一无二的,是东西方影响的结合。Tutti Frutti的设计被誉为珠宝界的”圣杯”,时至今日仍备受追捧。

A Tutti Frutti bracelet by Cartier achieved a world auction record for a Cartier jewel in 1991. This particular piece was owned by Daisy Fellowes, a French heiress and socialite. It is said that the bracelet sparked a resurgence in popularity for Cartier.

1991年,卡地亚的Tutti Frutti手镯创下了卡地亚珠宝的世界拍卖纪录。这件特别的作品是由黛西·费罗斯拥有的,她是一位法国女继承人和社会名流。据说,这款手镯引发了卡地亚人气的复苏。

Cartier’s tutti frutti designs are a joyous celebration of form. They feature carved gemstones and diamonds in a variety of hues. Black enamel underlines the design, while the colour of the gems contributes to the rhythm of the piece.


One of the most famous examples of Tutti Frutti is the “Collier Hindou” necklace, which was commissioned by Daisy Fellowes in 1936. The necklace features an abundance of carved stones, and is a perfect example of the flexible and dynamic compositions that are characteristic of Cartier’s Tutti Frutti designs.

Tutti Frutti最著名的例子之一是“Collier Hindou”项链,这是由Daisy Fellowes在1936年委托制作的。这款项链采用了大量的雕刻宝石,完美体现了卡地亚Tutti Frutti设计的灵活性和动态性。

Other examples of Tutti Frutti jewellery include a diamond cigarette case and a brooch with a floral design. In 1989, Cartier trademarked the Tutti Frutti name.

Tutti Frutti珠宝的其他例子包括钻石烟盒和花卉设计的胸针。1989年,卡地亚注册了Tutti Frutti的商标。

Juste un Clou


Designed by the Italian Aldo Cipullo, Cartier Juste un Clou is a bracelet that looks like an extension of a nail. It is available in a variety of designs and metals. Originally designed in 1971, the collection was a huge hit.

Cartier Juste un Clou由意大利设计师Aldo Cipullo设计,是一款看起来像钉子延伸的手镯。有多种设计和金属可供选择。最初设计于1971年,该系列是一个巨大的打击。

Cipullo’s love of a humble nail inspired him to create the Juste un Clou bracelet. He created a cult item that merged the punk aesthetic of the 1970s with high-end sensibility.

Cipullo对普通指甲的喜爱激发了他创作Juste un Clou手镯的灵感。他创造了一个狂热的项目,融合了20世纪70年代的朋克审美与高端的感性。

The Juste un Clou collection features rings, pendants, and brooches. All of the pieces are set with round brilliant-cut diamonds. In the early 1970s, wearing jewelry every day was a new concept. Taking a utilitarian object like a nail and making it into a jewel was a bold move for Cipullo. He wanted to design timeless, unisex jewelry.

Juste un Clou系列包括戒指、吊坠和胸针。所有珠宝均镶嵌圆形明亮式切割钻石。20世纪70年代初,每天佩戴珠宝是一个新概念。把一个像钉子这样的实用物品做成珠宝,对Cipullo来说是一个大胆的举动。他想设计永恒的、男女通用的珠宝。

In 1969, Cipullo joined Cartier. He became a design genius and created two revolutionary pieces. His Love bracelet and Juste un Clou bracelet are still coveted today.

1969年,Cipullo加入卡地亚。他成为了一个设计天才,创造了两件革命性的作品。他的Love手镯和Juste un Clou手镯至今仍令人垂涎。

Cartier Juste un Clou is available in yellow, rose, or white gold. Its bracelet is also available in paved and non-paved designs. The new version of the necklace is thinner, and meant to be more budget-friendly. It features 41cm in length, and weighs 5.7 grams. It is complete with a Cartier presentation box.

Cartier Juste un Clou系列有黄金、玫瑰金和白色三种款式可供选择。它的表链也有密铺和非密铺两种设计。新版本的项链更薄,意味着更便宜。长41厘米,重5.7克。它是完整的卡地亚演示盒。

In addition to the Juste un Clou bracelet, Cartier has also created rings, earrings, and bangles. The bracelet features five ridges, while the rings feature four.

除了Juste un Clou手镯,卡地亚还制作了戒指、耳环和手镯。手镯有五个脊,而戒指有四个脊。

The new Juste un Clou necklace features a circular motif, and is set with 14 round brilliant-cut diamonds. It is crafted from yellow gold 750/1000. The bracelet weighs 3.17 carats, while the necklace weighs 5.7 grams.

新款Juste un Clou项链以圆形图案为特色,镶嵌14颗圆形明亮式切割钻石。它由750/1000黄金制成。手镯重3.17克拉,项链重5.7克。



Besides its illustrative design, the Panthere de Cartier necklace is a stylish and functional statement piece. It features a glitzy cabochon sapphire, a dazzling emerald, and some nifty diamonds. It also has a chain with a fancy finish. It’s 27.3 mm long and weighs a hefty 98 grams.

Panthere de Cartier项链不仅设计精美,而且时尚实用。它采用了一颗耀眼的凸圆形蓝宝石、一颗耀眼的祖母绿和一些漂亮的钻石。它还有一条装饰精美的链子。它长27.3毫米,重98克。

The panther’s name is actually the star of this necklace, which is not surprising considering Cartier was the first designer to tame this wild cat. Its signature sautoir motif adorns the pendant, which also features an articulating back leg. This piece has been around for several decades, making it a classic piece.


While the panther pendant is not the fanciest necklace around, it does the trick. This panther necklace has a chunky chain, and the quality is top notch. The octahedral sapphire is accompanied by three round brilliant cut diamonds, each weighing a cool 0.16 carat.


It is also noteworthy that the panther necklace is only one component of a set comprising of a sautoir pendant, a faceted diamond chain, and a sautoir-esque cabochon sapphire. These components are a part of the illustrious Cartier Panthere sautoir collection, which was designed in the 1980s.

另外值得一提的是,黑豹项链只是一套珠宝中的一个组成部分,该套珠宝包括一个沙特吊坠、一条刻面钻石链和一颗沙特风格的凸圆形蓝宝石。这些部件是著名的卡地亚Panthere Sautoir系列的一部分,该系列设计于20世纪80年代。

While the panther necklace isn’t for everyone, it does the trick for a variety of wearers. If you want to stand out from the crowd, this is one piece of jewelry you should look into. You can find it on the market from reputable vendors, albeit at a premium price.


The Panthere de Cartier necklace is not for the faint of heart, but it is a worthy addition to any wardrobe. The necklace catches the eye and reveals that you know your panther from the front.

Panthere de Cartier项链不适合胆小的人,但它是任何衣柜的一个值得添加的东西。项链吸引眼球,并揭示了你知道你的黑豹从前面。

Love bracelet


Designed by Aldo Cipullo in 1969, the Cartier Love bracelet changed the way people wore jewellery. It featured a semi-permanent nature and was designed in an oval shape, which mimicked the curvature of the wrist.

由Aldo Cipullo于1969年设计的Cartier Love手镯改变了人们佩戴珠宝的方式。它具有半永久性,设计成椭圆形,模仿手腕的弯曲。

Cipullo’s bracelet is made of 18K gold. It has his name engraved along the inside edge of the band. In addition, the bracelet has a unique serial number. The number varies on a per-piece basis.


Cartier has entered several lawsuits to protect the copyright of the Love bracelet. It also entered an active trademark deal in 1974. This agreement gives Cartier exclusive rights to the word “Love” and the spelling of the phrase.


The Love bracelet has been the subject of numerous articles and videos. Many of these articles and videos feature prospective socialites attempting to purchase the bracelet. The videos are often viewed thousands of times.


The Cartier Love bracelet has become one of the most iconic pieces of designer jewelry in recent history. Celebrities such as Ali MacGraw, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, Kim Kardashian West, and Justin Bieber have donned the bracelet.


The Love collection includes rings, necklaces, and bracelets. They are made in a variety of styles. Some are available with diamonds or special colored precious gems.


The Cartier Love bracelet can be purchased in various metals, including 18k white gold, 18k yellow gold, and solid gold. Originally, the bracelet was made from silver plated in gold. However, it later became solid gold. The bracelet was also available in a thinner, “thin” version.

Cartier Love手镯有多种金属可选,包括18k白色、18k黄金和纯金。最初,手镯是用银镀金制成的。然而,后来它变成了纯金。这款手镯也有更薄的“薄”版本。

The Love bracelet was originally meant to be worn by both men and women. It also had a chastity belt locking mechanism, which was inspired by the historical chastity belt.


Mystery Clock


Known for its stunning design and technical prowess, the Cartier Collection is a dazzling horological tour de force. It contains more than 1,600 pieces of jewelry and watches, as well as other precious objects.


Originally created in 1912, Cartier mystery clocks were the result of a collaboration between Louis Cartier and renowned horologist Maurice Couet. Couet began working with Cartier in Paris in 1911, and later founded his own workshop. Couet hired stone setters, lapidarists, and enamellers to create his masterpieces.


The mystery clock was a pioneering creation. It evoked the Art Deco aesthetic before the height of the movement. The clock was designed to be a sleek transparent silhouette. The lower dials rotated to represent the sky during the day.


Cartier mystery clocks were created from 1912 to 1967. They had two superimposed dials. The hands were fixed to rock crystal discs that had serrated metal edges. This gave the illusion that the hands were anchored to a mechanical power system. They were often enameled and set within richly ornamented frames.


Cartier’s mystery clocks were one of the firm’s greatest achievements. The design was influenced by illusionist Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdin. It was also inspired by the Model T car of Henry Ford. The clocks were also reminiscent of Chinese gongs.


In addition to being a stunning horological achievement, the Cartier mystery clocks also capture the beauty of mystical elegance. They are suspended from a richly ornamented frame, like a Chinese gong. They are a technical tour de force and a testament to the artistic and technical mastery of Louis Cartier and Maurice Couet.


The mystery clock was created entirely by hand. It took about a year to make each clock. The material chosen was important. It had to be light and transparent. It also had to be cut perfectly.

The Newest Jewelry From the House of Chanel – The Star Necklace
